Taliban violence in Pakistan

‘Intiqam’: Revenge

Posted in Madrassas, Pakistan, Suicide bombing by talibanviolence on April 24, 2009

A telling sign of the capacities and PR sophistication of the Taliban.

This is a 4 part propaganda series, showing various military incidents, interviews with captured FC soldiers, and some gruesome ‘punishments’ which seem to be an integral part of their videos.

1. https://talibanviolence.wordpress.com/2009/04/24/intiqam/




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Pakistan’s Taliban Generation – documentary by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy

Posted in Madrassas, Pakistan, Suicide bombing by talibanviolence on April 13, 2009

Filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy investigates how the war on terror is creating a generation of child terrorists in her homeland – children prepared to kill both inside and outside Pakistan.

With the recent attack in Lahore on the Sri Lankan cricket team, last years massive suicide bombing in Islamabad and assault on Mumbai, Pakistans radical Islamists are bringing violence to the major cities of Pakistan and beyond.

Sharmeen travels across Pakistan to investigate how the far the Taliban has infiltrated her country. In the north she finds the Pakistan army, backed by the Americans, locked in the deadliest conflict, killing thousands of Pakistani troops and civilians and displacing hundreds of thousands.

To learn more about the film, click here

Also read The Saudi-isation of Pakistan by Pervez Hoodbhoy:

The common belief in Pakistan is that Islamic radicalism is a problem only in FATA, and that madrassas are the only institutions serving as jihad factories. This is a serious misconception. Extremism is breeding at a ferocious rate in public and private schools within Pakistan’s towns and cities. Left unchallenged, this education will produce a generation incapable of co-existing with anyone except strictly their own kind. The mindset it creates may eventually lead to Pakistan’s demise as a nation state.